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High on Life is a comedic first-person shooter game with action-advture and Metroidvania elemts. It takes place in a scice fiction world which features talking guns.

High on Life is a first-person shooter video game with action-advture and metroidvania elemts. Players are tasked with assassinating select targets, and must fight their way into the target's lair and th fight the targets in a boss battle.

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Players attack using living ali weapons, five living guns called "Gatlians" and one stit knife. The guns have primary, alternate, and special "trick hole" firing modes that can be used in combat. The knife has an additional grapple ability that allows players to use ziplines to move around the world. Weapon specials are also used to solve puzzles and gain access to certain areas in non-combat scarios.

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Players can gain abilities and upgrade their existing abilities by purchasing upgrades at shops or by finding them in chests. As players get new Gatlians and other equipmt it is possible to access previously unreachable areas, as in a Metroidvania.

In addition to combat, players counter traversal and platforming sections, as well as puzzles that are solved using the Gatlians' weapon abilities, and social areas where players can interact with non-player characters.

The player character and their sister Lizzie (Laura Silverman) have the house to themselves while their parts go away on a trip. While going out to get supplies for a wild party Lizzie plans to throw, an ali craft appears. Hiding behind a parked car, the player character and Lizzie witness one of the alis killing their neighbor while another is suddly killed by his allies. The player investigates the body of the dead ali and finds a smaller looking ali in its jacket before being spit on by it which allows them to communicate with each other. Introducing himself as the Gatlian Kny (Justin Roiland), he reveals to the player that their planet is being invaded by Garmantuous (Hal Lublin) and the G3 Cartel which plans to turn the tire human race into drugs. To avoid being captured, the player and Kny work together to escape Earth and warps their house to Blim City.

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Needing help to fight the G3, Kny tasks the player to find and hire the famous bounty hunter Ge Zaroothian (David Herman). While they are able to find Ge, they discover that he has become a crippled, homeless bum. Initially not interested in helping out the player character, Ge changes his mind wh he offers to make the player a bounty hunter in exchange for their house if they die. Now known as the Bounty Hunter, Ge gives them his old bounty hunter suit and sets up a Bounty 5000 in the house before tasking them with retrieving his old knife, Knifey (Michael Cusack) from a G3 mercary known as 9-Torg (Jnifer Hale).

The player character is tasked to travel through the Blim City slums in order to find and kill 9-Torg in her hideout within the sewage plant. The player counters members of 9-Torg’s gang as they fight their way through, learning more about Kny’s capabilities, such as an ability known as the glob shot which allows the player to shoot globs of goo at emies and objects to solve puzzles and deal additional damage. Evtually, the player finds 9-Torg and defeats her. Afterward, the player character is tasked with locating and killing the respective leaders of the G3, including Garmantuous himself, in order to liberate Earth from the cartel.

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The first two leaders the player is st to kill include Douglas (Tom Kny), a sadistic, torture-obsessed pathological liar whom is tasked with training new members of the G3, and Krubis (Echo Kellum), a jittery, trigger-happy addict who is tasked with slaving a village of the teddy bear-like Moplets to mine for Furgles, another species harvested to be used as drugs. Both Douglas and Krubis have other captured Gatlians in their possession, including a rapid-fire female Gatlian named Sweezy (Betsy Sodaro), whose ability to create time bubbles can slow down time for whoever or whatever is trapped inside one, and a three-shot shotgun-based Gatlian named Gus (J.B. Smoove), whose ability is to shoot large razer blades that can stick to walls. After the player manages to kill both Douglas and Krubis, they and Kny rescue Sweezy and Gus and recruit them to their team.

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With both bounties dead, Ge invites the player to watch a news bulletin by Blim City's Magistrate Clugg Nuggin, who publicly praises the player's actions in their fight against the G3, and asks the bounty hunter to join forces with him and Blim City. At Ge's recommdation, the player accepts the offer and meets up with Clugg in his office, where he reveals his knowledge of the player being human, and their survival of the G3's invasion. He asks the player to help him fight the G3 in exchange for a special device that will help them find and rescue imprisoned humans, and teleport them to a safe hav created by Clugg to provide humans sanctuary until the G3 are stopped. As thanks for agreeing to help, Clugg has his forces sd all vital intelligce on the G3 to Ge, who recommds the player buy a jetpack upgrade for their suit upon returning.

The upgrade arrives several days later, which the player tests by flying across buildings. Meanwhile, at home, Lizzie has be getting into constant argumts with Ge, and has also started dating an ali boyfrid name Tweeg, who Ge clearly dislikes. After helping them determine which one is right during an intse argumt, Ge informs the player that the intel st by Clugg is finally paying off with two new bounties.

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One of the two new bounties is the Skrdel Bros, who have slaved the Moplets again for the G3 and have captured another Gatlian named Creature. They also find a scitific analysis on another Gatlian named Lezduit, whom Kny seems to personally recognize. Creature (Tim Robinson), who had be brutally tortured by the G3's numerous experimts, helps the player escape with his ability to asexually reproduce smaller alis with microscopic lifespans, which they use to sabotage machinery. The player th dispatches the Skrdel Bros: Jonathan (Abed Gheith), Angela (Ryan Ridley), and Mona (Roiland), who evtually form a tower of each other they name 'Bro-Tron', but are all killed by the player. After this is done, Garmantuous personally contacts the player, and warns them that he now has 'two very important people' in his custody, which the player and Gatlians all deduce must be the player's parts, and taunts the player with the promise that he is going to kill them after making them suffer. He also reveals that he has set up a new base on Earth, which is inaccessible without the right coordinates.

The Quarry (video Game)

After returning home, Ge talks to the player about fixing up some old bounty ads to attract more customers, and the player meets Lizzie's ali boyfrid Tweeg, who they can either allow to keep dating Lizzie, or follow Ge's advice and demand that he stop seeing her. Regardless, this leads to another argumt betwe Ge and Lizzie, the latter of which has become increasingly upset with the former living on their couch.

Lizzie th departs, and Ge informs the player that despite their growing list of firepower, they're still not ready to face Garmantuous. Ge th tells the player that Clugg's data has revealed the existce of an extremely powerful Gatlian in the possession of Dr. Jon Giblets (Kevin McDonald), who the player must find with their suit's (utterly useless) detective mode. After evtually gaining a lead towards a new store called 'High on Life', which is located in the slums, the player meets two alis that threat them before teleporting away, and th steal a pair of magnetic boots off the corpse of an ali accidtally trampled to death by people looking to ter the store. The player uses them to escape the slums after suddly getting attacked, and return home to find the same alis from before, now revealed to be Clugg's sons, who inform the player that the remains of the Torg family got mixed up with Giblets, who they now have a lead on. They th take the player back to Clugg, who hesitantly asks for help in his upcoming election by getting rid of Giblets. Clugg provides them with map data to find Giblets, provided that his involvemt in the matter stays secret.

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With this new data, the player teleports to Giblets' lab, where they find Giblets had murdered his own G3 staff to do experimts on them. The weapon Giblets used to attack his m turns out to be the previously mtioned Gatlian, now revealed to be a famous and powerful Gatlian named Lezduit, now catatonic and inoperable due to intse experimtation by Dr. Giblets. The player recovers them for Ge to examine later, and finds Giblets, who accidtally slips and falls, and therefore kills himself. The player th deals with Giblets' failsafe security before departing.

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The player returns to Ge and gives Lezduit to him in order

With both bounties dead, Ge invites the player to watch a news bulletin by Blim City's Magistrate Clugg Nuggin, who publicly praises the player's actions in their fight against the G3, and asks the bounty hunter to join forces with him and Blim City. At Ge's recommdation, the player accepts the offer and meets up with Clugg in his office, where he reveals his knowledge of the player being human, and their survival of the G3's invasion. He asks the player to help him fight the G3 in exchange for a special device that will help them find and rescue imprisoned humans, and teleport them to a safe hav created by Clugg to provide humans sanctuary until the G3 are stopped. As thanks for agreeing to help, Clugg has his forces sd all vital intelligce on the G3 to Ge, who recommds the player buy a jetpack upgrade for their suit upon returning.

The upgrade arrives several days later, which the player tests by flying across buildings. Meanwhile, at home, Lizzie has be getting into constant argumts with Ge, and has also started dating an ali boyfrid name Tweeg, who Ge clearly dislikes. After helping them determine which one is right during an intse argumt, Ge informs the player that the intel st by Clugg is finally paying off with two new bounties.

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One of the two new bounties is the Skrdel Bros, who have slaved the Moplets again for the G3 and have captured another Gatlian named Creature. They also find a scitific analysis on another Gatlian named Lezduit, whom Kny seems to personally recognize. Creature (Tim Robinson), who had be brutally tortured by the G3's numerous experimts, helps the player escape with his ability to asexually reproduce smaller alis with microscopic lifespans, which they use to sabotage machinery. The player th dispatches the Skrdel Bros: Jonathan (Abed Gheith), Angela (Ryan Ridley), and Mona (Roiland), who evtually form a tower of each other they name 'Bro-Tron', but are all killed by the player. After this is done, Garmantuous personally contacts the player, and warns them that he now has 'two very important people' in his custody, which the player and Gatlians all deduce must be the player's parts, and taunts the player with the promise that he is going to kill them after making them suffer. He also reveals that he has set up a new base on Earth, which is inaccessible without the right coordinates.

The Quarry (video Game)

After returning home, Ge talks to the player about fixing up some old bounty ads to attract more customers, and the player meets Lizzie's ali boyfrid Tweeg, who they can either allow to keep dating Lizzie, or follow Ge's advice and demand that he stop seeing her. Regardless, this leads to another argumt betwe Ge and Lizzie, the latter of which has become increasingly upset with the former living on their couch.

Lizzie th departs, and Ge informs the player that despite their growing list of firepower, they're still not ready to face Garmantuous. Ge th tells the player that Clugg's data has revealed the existce of an extremely powerful Gatlian in the possession of Dr. Jon Giblets (Kevin McDonald), who the player must find with their suit's (utterly useless) detective mode. After evtually gaining a lead towards a new store called 'High on Life', which is located in the slums, the player meets two alis that threat them before teleporting away, and th steal a pair of magnetic boots off the corpse of an ali accidtally trampled to death by people looking to ter the store. The player uses them to escape the slums after suddly getting attacked, and return home to find the same alis from before, now revealed to be Clugg's sons, who inform the player that the remains of the Torg family got mixed up with Giblets, who they now have a lead on. They th take the player back to Clugg, who hesitantly asks for help in his upcoming election by getting rid of Giblets. Clugg provides them with map data to find Giblets, provided that his involvemt in the matter stays secret.

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With this new data, the player teleports to Giblets' lab, where they find Giblets had murdered his own G3 staff to do experimts on them. The weapon Giblets used to attack his m turns out to be the previously mtioned Gatlian, now revealed to be a famous and powerful Gatlian named Lezduit, now catatonic and inoperable due to intse experimtation by Dr. Giblets. The player recovers them for Ge to examine later, and finds Giblets, who accidtally slips and falls, and therefore kills himself. The player th deals with Giblets' failsafe security before departing.

Spider Man (2018 Video Game)

The player returns to Ge and gives Lezduit to him in order

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Lia Cook is a relentless innovator who has been involved in textile experimentation since her graduate and undergraduate work in Arts and Design at the University of California, Berkeley in the 1970s. 

While Cook has created varied bodies of work in her storied career, her explorations have a consistent theme. They all involve the experience of touch, the sensation of the body and the physicality of cloth. “Cook’s work defies the ‘ocular-centricity’ of Western art by overturning the hierarchy of the senses and repositioning the sense of touch in the foreground. While the work is never handled in the gallery or museum, the sense of touch is so fully activated that the experience of the work is startlingly touch-sensory, ” writes Deborah Valoma, in 

Cook’s early work aimed to envelop the viewer in monumental cloth. “The work was imposing, strident and typically employed magnified imagery of weave patterns as the subject, ” writes Valoma, “depicting both in 

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Is from this period. In the 1990s, Cook created works that took inspiration from images of fabric painted during the Renaissance, when images of drapery were an essential part of a painter’s training.  

Created in 1993, Cook painted the imagery of draped fabrics on linen or abaca with acrylics or oil paints. The canvases were finely stripped and inserted as weft into hand-painted warps and woven on a 32-harness loom, purposefully defying conventional definitions.

In the mid-90s, after two artists-in-residencies, one in Italy and one in Germany, Cook’s work took yet another turn — focusing on the Jacquard loom and incorporating photography, to create works that were narrative and personal. This body of works was featured in 

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In 2010, Cook’s shifts again. As an artist-in-residence at the University’of Pittsburgh’s TREND program (Transdisciplinary Research in Emotion, Neuroscience and Development, Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine), Cook was able to compare the emotional responses of viewers to actual photographs and to her weavings of photo images “I wanted to explore the nature of people’s emotional connection to woven faces, ” she explains. “I thought that the material and structural aspects of the textile, the physical evidence of the hand and the memories associated with these tactile experiences might intensify the reactions. Something about the textile engenders embodied emotional response beyond that of the two–dimensional photo.”

To test her hypothesis, Cook, in collaboration with scientists at TREND tried several approaches. Cook and the scientists could see noticeable differences in individual images from MRI data and in records of electrical brain activity from EEGs when volunteers compared flat and woven images. She underwent this MRI imaging on herself and then, using software from MGH/Harvard, Biomedical Imaging Lab, she manipulated the images for a series of weavings that combine faces and images of brain fibers, as you can see in 

Cook’s experiments in neuroaesthetics continue — and as always, she makes adjustments and changes her gaze to produce something new. Recently, she has merged three fibers into her imagery — neural fibers, plant fibers and the parallel lines that she used in the 1970s. “Art and science are more similar in their process than many people think, ” says Cook. “Each requires starting with a question, being curious, discovering something new, being willing to take the answers or lack of answers — good or bad — and building on that for the future.” 

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Is a 2018 online multiplayer social deduction game developed and published by American game studio Innersloth. The game was inspired by the party game Mafia and the scice fiction horror film The Thing.

The game allows for cross-platform play, released on iOS and Android devices in June 2018 and on Windows later that year in November. The game was ported to the Nintdo Switch in December 2020 and on the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S in December 2021. A virtual reality adaptation, Among Us VR, was released on November 10, 2022.

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Among Us takes place in space-themed settings where players are colorful, armless cartoon astronauts. Each player takes on one of two roles: most are Crewmates, but a small number play Impostors.

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Crewmates work to complete assigned tasks in the game while idtifying and voting out suspected Impostors (which appear idtical to Crewmates) by means of social deduction, while Impostors have the objective of killing the Crewmates.

While the game was initially released in 2018 to little mainstream atttion, it received a massive influx of popularity in 2020 due to many Twitch streamers and YouTubers playing it, and due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It received favorable reviews from critics on account of its fun and tertaining gameplay. The game and its stylized characters have be the subject of various internet memes.

In this gameplay screshot of the original map, The Skeld, the white Impostor has killed the blue Crewmate. White's vision of the pink player has be partially obscured by the wall. Any player, including the killer, can report the dead body and trigger a meeting.

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And secretly chos to be the Impostors each round. As of 2021, four playable maps are available: a spaceship called "The Skeld, " an office building called "MIRA HQ, " a planet base called "Polus, "

The Crewmates can win the game one of two ways: either by completing all assigned tasks or by ejecting all Impostors. Impostors can likewise win in two ways: either by killing or ejecting all Crewmates,

At the start of the game, Crewmates are assigned "tasks" to complete around the map in the form of minigames, minipuzzles, and simple toggles, mostly consisting of maintance work on vital systems such as fixing wires and downloading data.

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Impostors cannot complete tasks, but may pretd to perform "fake" tasks to feign appearance as legitimate Crewmates. Impostors, however, can perform sabotages, ranging from minor (such as disabling lights, making Crewmates blind) to critical (such as disabling oxyg gerators), requiring immediate counteraction by Crewmates to prevt their deaths. Impostors may ter and traverse vtilation ducts (commonly known as "vting"), and kill nearby Crewmates. To help Crewmates idtify Impostors, there are various surveillance systems on each map, such as security cameras on The Skeld,

In addition, certain "visual tasks" provide animated cues, such as scanning oneself in the Skeld's medbay. As Impostors cannot perform tasks, Crewmates can use visual tasks to confirm their idtity to nearby Crewmates.

—who they believe to be Impostors based on available witness testimonies, with Impostors lying to hide their idtity or falsely accusing other players. Impostors can be idtified beyond reasonable doubt if they are se vting or killing a Crewmate, but ultimately players must weigh the veracity or value of each other's statemts. Players th vote for who they believe is an Impostor, if a plurality vote is obtained, the player who received the most votes is "ejected" from the game.

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Players who are killed or ejected become ghosts, which can still perform tasks (Crewmates) or sabotages (Impostors) but are otherwise unable to be se by or interact with living players. Effectively spectators, ghosts may see and pass through walls, follow players or other ghosts and chat with other ghosts.

A November 2021 update added additional specialized roles to the game: Crewmates can also be gineers, Scitists, or Guardian Angels. gineers can traverse vts like Impostors, albeit to a limited capacity. Scitists can check vitals at any time to see if any player has be killed rectly. Ghosts of Crewmates can become Guardian Angels, which can temporarily protect living players from being killed. Impostors likewise can be Shapeshifters, allowing them to temporarily morph into other players and assume their color and appearance.

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An alternative 'Hide and Seek' gamemode was added in December 2022. There are no meetings or ejections, and a single Impostor (whose idtity is known to the Crewmates) attempts to kill all Crewmates within a fixed countdown timer. Crewmates must hide or flee from the Impostor and can complete tasks to roll down the timer, as well as ter vts for a brief time to hide from Impostors. Crewmates are also giv a display showing their proximity to an Impostor as well as the number of remaining Crewmates.

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Prior to each game, various options can be adjusted to customize aspects of gameplay, such as player movemt speed, the allowed number of emergcy meetings, number of tasks and visual tasks,

Or whether or not an Impostor is revealed after being voted off, allowing participants to manually balance the game's settings to their desires.

The idea for the concept was originally giv by Marcus Bromander, co-founder of Innersloth, who had played Mafia since he was a kid. In the original game, function cards were dealt and players wandered around a house, aimlessly, while another person secretly killed the players, drawing a finger around their neck. Most of its mechanics were still prest in Among Us, but the team wanted to "alleviate the need to create an interesting home model and have someone wandering around in a boring vironmt". So, they decided that the game would be space-themed and also added tasks, which, according to Forest Willard, programmer at Innersloth, "changed several times during developmt".

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Wh they began developing the first map, they intded that the ship was always in crisis and that the Impostors could do tasks. However, they found this setup "stressful" and decided that it "[wouldn't leave] much time for detective work and informed meeting conversations".

Willard described playtesting as painful and frustrating, as the game would break down during sessions forcing him to sd playtesters new builds off of Google Play. The team tested the game with 8 of their frids and never tested the game with 9 or the maximum of 10 players.

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A "tightly packed headquarters roughly the size of The Skeld." A third map, Polus, was added on November 12, 2019, and is set in a research station.

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The fourth map, the Airship, was released on March 31, 2021, and is based on a location in the Hry Stickmin universe.

MIRA HQ and Polus originally cost players US$4 via in-app purchase. Their prices were reduced to US$2 on January 6, 2020, th made free on June 11, 2020.

While the map packs are still available for purchase on all platforms, they now only provide the player the skins that were bundled with the maps.

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According to programmer Forest Willard, the team "stuck with [the game] a lot longer than we probably should have from a pure business standpoint", putting out regular updates to the game as oft as once per week. This led to a steady increase in players, causing the game's player base to snowball. Bromander attributed this to the studio having ough savings to keep working on the game ev while it was not selling particularly well.

During this time, Forest Willard and Amy Liu continued to update Among Us, increasing the maximum player base, adding four servers and three regions,

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On September 23, 2020, the team announced that they abandoned developmt of the sequel in favor of reworking the original game's codebase, which they described as "outdated and not built to support adding so much new contt", so the team made plans to rework the game's core code to able adding new features.

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In October 2020, colorblind support for the "wires" task was added to the Among Us beta on Steam, as well as some previously unannounced lobby customization options.

In mid-February 2021, the game added a feature called Quickchat, which replaces the standard chat interface with a series of preset phrases that players must pick from. Players under the age of 13 are required to use Quickchat, but those over 13 are also allowed to use Free Chat, which allows them to type text messages.

In addition, Game Awards prester Geoff Keighley's face was added as a skin. The map itself is based upon the Hry Stickmin series' Toppat Clan Airship.

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The accounts system was implemted along with the update, and it allows players to report players that are not following Innersloth's Code of Conduct in order to make the game a welcoming and respectful place. Punishmt includes temporary to permant bans. They also stated that reports would be viewed manually and not by bots, that account creations would be required if players want to use Free Chat or to customize their nicknames, and that people under the age of 13 would need their parts' permission to create an account. Implemting an account system also allowed Innersloth to add account linking and a friding system in future updates.

Innersloth later revealed

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“Pay attention. This is Instructor Razuvious, Kel'Thuzad's appointed trainer of all death knights. It is said that his own technique is so potent, only a disciple of his could possibly withstand his might.”

Instructor Razuvious is the first boss in the Military Quarter of Naxxramas. The most feared of the death knight trainers of the Scourge, Razuvious is accompanied by two (normal) or four (heroic) Death Knight Understudies, who are used by the raiding party to defeat him.

Instructor Razuvious - Body Art Instructor Razuvious Priest River Plate

Razuvious also appears at Acherus: The Ebon Hold, where he oversees the training of new death knights. He is involved in the following quests:

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The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King.

Instructor Razuvious hits hard; too hard for any tank that isn't substantially over-geared for the fight. His understudies have a Bone Barrier self-buff capable of absorbing most of the damage. In the 10-man version these understudies can be mind-controlled through the Orbs of Domination by the stairs; a 25-man raid will have to bring enough priests to mind-control them directly.

Successful strategies for defeating Razuvious require the raid to rotate tanking duties between mind-controlled understudies so Razuvious is always attacking the understudy currently protected by Bone Barrier.

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Four of these are pulled with Instructor Razuvious. They hit lightly and should be offtanked for most of the encounter. A priest will need to mind control one immediately and one should always be mind controlled through the encounter, unlike the 10-man version of the encounter there are no orbs to mindcontrol the understudies with. Healers will need to heal them through Instructor Razuvious' damage. After Instructor Razuvious dies these will take 1000% extra damage from players.

Note: Compared to the original 40-man version, there is no longer a Mind Exhaustion debuff on the Understudies after you stop MCing them. This means a priest can mind control the same Understudy over and over. However the standard diminishing returns on repeated MC still exists.

Two of these are pulled with Instructor Razuvious. They hit lightly and should be mind controlled for most of the encounter. A player will need to use the orbs of domination to mind control one and at least one should always be mind controlled through the encounter. Healers will need to heal them through Instructor Razuvious' damage. After Instructor Razuvious dies these will take 1000% extra damage from players.

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Before the fight begins, you must assign Mind Control Priests to specific Understudies. Two Priests are required for this fight, but three is safer, and four is if you do not want to bother tanking the extra fourth add. See Useful macros for priests for a convenient Mind Control macro.

 - Body Art Instructor Razuvious Priest River Plate

When the pull begins, the Tank should walk about 3/4s of the way down the steps until the Understudies pull. The Tank will not do any actions, just serve as a Damage Soaker for the first three seconds of the fight. The Tank may use an AoE Aggro, as long as it does not hit the Instructor. Razuvious will watch for three to five seconds, then he will join the fight, attacking the person with the highest aggro. It is the Main Priest's job to Mind Control one of the adds and Bone Barrier (6) + Taunt (5) the Instructor before he gets to the tank. Priests generally can stand at the base of the stairs and tank the Instructor at the closest part of the Green Circle. This should give everyone enough space to work with (Mind Control distance break), and allow enough time for the Priests to Re-Mind Control before they get back to them.

An alternative way of pulling is to have two paladins shield the two priests who go in first. This way they both have more than enough time to cast Mind Control and one of them to taunt the Instructor.

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After the initial pull from the Understudies, the two Mind Controlling Priests will alternate the use of their 'Pets' to Bone Barrier and then Taunt. It is extremely important to Bone Barrier THEN Taunt as the Instructor will cause massive damage to the add which tax the Healers ability to keep the add up. The switch will need to happen every 10 seconds (9 seconds to be safe) since Taunt/Bone Barrier Cooldown is about 18 seconds, but the effect is 10 seconds. Note that if Taunt falls off, or Mind Control falls while an Understudy is tanking, it is extremely easy for any player to pull aggro, and the Instructor will begin killing players.

If the two mind controlling priests change which Understudy they control, dropping their control and getting the new Understudy after Razuvious has been taunted off of them, they can then change which Understudy is tanking sooner than the 18 second cooldown on the abilities. Stand behind Razuvious to taunt him. This allows the other priest to see that you have started tanking Razuvious by the direction he turns.

 - Body Art Instructor Razuvious Priest River Plate

If you are utilizing less than four Priests to Mind Control, the rest of the adds will need to be off tanked. They do not hit particularly hard. They may be needed if one of the Understudies die while tanking Instructor.

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As for the DPS, once a MC Priest's add has control of the Instructor, all DPS may unload on the Instructor. Each Taunt lasts 10 seconds, and, as long as the Tanking Priest is spamming 'Blood Strike', and has 'Taunt' running it is impossible to pull Aggro from an Understudy, due to how the Understudies Effects work.

Healers will need to focus on Healing the Tanking Understudies. The most mana-efficient heals should be used (such as a Priest's Greater Heal) for Understudies, since Understudies take massive amounts of damage. The raid should generally be kept at least at 90%, as Instructor will throw a knife randomly at a raid member which will generally bring them down to at least half health (Cloth wearers could be killed outright). To make sure that the raid stays up, one healer should be dedicated to healing players that get the Jagged Knife Debuff, healing the adds Tank otherwise.

Another strategy that has been brought to the raiding community is from the Dungeons and Raids forums on the main World of Warcraft Website. The title of the post is Razuvious Who Needs Priests? A guild on Azshara(US) came up with the strategy of using 3 hunters in a triangle and doing a distracting shot rotation to make up for the lack of priests. This strategy can be viewed in the video on the forum post or at the bottom of this page in the video section. It is an alternate strategy there for guilds who seem to have a shortage of priests for their raids. As well as a strategy of using 1 priest and have a hunter taunt then feign between mind controls: this article

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There are 2  Death Knight Understudies and 2 controlling orbs in the 10-man version. The 2 orbs should be controlled by the tanks and the encounter is started by each tank selecting their own understudy, walking up to their orb and right-clicking it to control them. Razuvious will immediately aggro onto them and whichever tank is decided to tank first must immediately hit "6" on your new hotkey bar (pet bar) for Bone Barrier, then "5" to taunt. While tanking use the "4" key repeatedly to Blood Strike for holding aggro. Keep Razuvious tanked near the back of the circle where the understudies are located before the encounter starts, this way when you refresh your orb spell you will have plenty of time to re-control your understudy before he can run all the way to you. Bone Barrier lasts 20 secs so the 2nd tanking understudy must hit their Bone Barrier and taunt before the first tank's Bone Barrier runs out. There is a 30 second cooldown on the Bone Barrier. To help your healers and ensure the understudies always have Bone Barrier up, taunt closer to every 16 seconds, rather than 20. The tanks can see the Bone Barrier icon's 30 second cooldown timer on the pet bar. Once it goes past halfway, the tank should call out for a taunt. Calling out is helpful because when a tank has to dismiss and re-control an understudy, he can lose track of the timer. ALWAYS use the Bone Barrier ability BEFORE you taunt. This is all the fight is, the tanks trading taunts to ensure the tanking understudy has Bone Barrier up 100% of the time. Healers will need to help heal the understudies even with their Bone Barrier up to ensure both stay alive through the entire encounter.

When clicking an orb to control an understudy you will see that your character is channeling the spell and the channel lasts for 1 minute. To make sure the channel does not break while tanking Razuvious, each tank should refresh the channeling spell every 2 taunt cycles. In order to do this after you've been taunted off of the second time IMMEDIATELY right-click the understudy's

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It has been requested that this article be rewritten and expanded to include more information. Reason: include information about the modes at Mt. Minigames

"MPS" redirects here. For information about the 2007 game for the Wii whose Korean title may be abbreviated as "MPS", see Mario Strikers Charged.

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Mario Party Superstars is the twenty-fifth overall installment in the Mario Party series. Released for the Nintendo Switch on October 29, 2021, it is the second Mario Party game for the console, following Super Mario Party. It is also the twelfth installment to be released on a home console. The game follows the same gameplay style as its predecessor and earlier installments in the series. It features 100 minigames from past games in the series, many of which have been previously included in Mario Party: The Top 100, as well as five boards from the Nintendo 64 Mario Party games. All game modes are available to play online.

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Mario Party Superstars is the first Mario game published by Nintendo on one of their consoles to be officially localized in Brazilian Portuguese.

Mario Party Superstars features minigames and boards from past Mario Party titles while retaining the overall game engine and several features from Super Mario Party. Players take turns hitting the Dice Block and moving around the board in order to collect coins and Stars, and once every player has rolled, a minigame is played, allowing the players to earn coins. Much like games prior to Mario Party 9, the Dice Block rolls 1 through 10 instead of only 1 through 6, and character-specific Dice Blocks from Super Mario Party do not return. Items can be obtained from Lucky Spaces, Item Spaces, or Item Shops and are generally based on the items seen in Super Mario Party. The boards generally retain their original layout, though some have been updated to include new path layouts and Item Shops, such as Peach's Birthday Cake. Some of the board events have also been adjusted. Like in Super Mario Party, when landing on a VS Space, the landing player hits a Dice Block to determine how many coins each player must put into the pot, though instead of playing a Rumble Minigame, a Free-for-all Minigame is played, similarly to Battle Spaces from older entries. Once landed on, a VS Space then turns into a Blue Space.

During the last five turns, the coins gained or lost from Blue Spaces and Red Spaces are doubled, and two players landing on the same space embark in a Duel Minigame, wagering coins like in Mario Party 2 and Mario Party 3. New to this game is the ability to add turns, in which there is an option to change the number of turns once per game in the menu at any point of the game except for during the last turn. The number of turns that can be added cannot make the whole game last more than 30 turns. Any changes during the last five turns are reverted on the next turn, so for example, two players landing on the same space won't trigger a duel.

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Ten characters are playable. Though no new playable characters are introduced to the series, this is the first Mario Party game since Mario Party 9 where Birdo is playable.

The game features five boards from the three Nintendo 64 Mario Party titles. There are two boards from Mario Party and Mario Party 2, and one board from Mario Party 3.

A land where day changes to night and back again before you know it. Things get spooky after dark when the ghosts come out to play!

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A forest that causes anyone who enters to become lost. Signs point you every which way, and you may encounter a dubious tree within.

In Mario Party Superstars, the game's main hub is Village Square, which was formerly named Mushroom Village. In the village, the player can go through a Warp Pipe to play Mario Party. There are also several houses in the village, which serve various purposes. Toad's Shop sells music, stickers, card designs, and encyclopedia articles. The Option House allows the player to change their settings, while the Friend House allows the player to play with their friends online. The Data House allows the player to listen to music, see their achievements and records, read the encyclopedia and customize their Mario Party Card. There is also a boat in the river that takes the player to Mt. Minigames, which, as the name indicates, allows players to play minigames.

The game has 100 minigames from previous Mario Party titles, much like Mario Party: The Top 100. There are also five item minigames that do not count towards the total in the game, bringing the number up to 105.

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Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story

"Mario Party Superstars is more than just a collection of excellent boards and minigames from the series’ past: It’s a complete return to form for the Mario Party series. There’s a really great mix of classic and more modern minigames, the overall quality of which is top-notch, even if some of them are a bit redundant. It really could have used one more board, and the balance of the 1v3 minigames isn’t the greatest, but with solid online play acting as the icing on the proverbial Peach’s Birthday Cake, it’s easy to say that this is the best Mario Party has been in at least a decade."

"The newest entry, Mario Party Superstars, is a deliberate embrace of the Mario Party series' early days before motion control gimmicks and twists on its classic game mode became the norm. This is a game that delivers on the core Mario Party experience and is high on nostalgia, but my kids' questions highlighted the trade-off that comes with that approach. In embracing the old, Superstar loses a lot of tweaks and additions that have livened up recent Mario Party games, making Superstars as much of a step back as it is a throwback."

"The Mario Party franchise, with its interchangeable boards and minigames, is tailor-made for the compilation format. Mario Party Superstars aptly executes the notion of bringing together the best of the franchise while adding improved online features, plus options to let you play the way you want. Despite its lacking selection of game boards, Mario Party Superstars is a blast regardless of how many parties you’ve attended in the past."

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By December 31, 2022, the game had sold 9.38 million copies, making it the second best-selling Mario Party game (only exceeded by Super Mario Party).

To promote the game, Nintendo collaborated with the Japanese idol group "King & Prince" and produced two promotional commercials that featured them playing Mario Party Superstars.

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The game's staff credits are displayed underneath a scrapbook that flips through pages depicting artwork and screenshot photos from the previous Mario Party games, with which the player can interact via a cursor. Interacting with the Boo in the Mario Party 5 section and Donkey Kong in the Mario Party 10 section makes their respective noises.

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It has been requested that more images be uploaded for this article. Remove this notice only after the additional image(s) have been added. Reason: Demo differences from Treehouse presentation

For a complete list of media for this subject, see List of Mario Party Superstars media. For a list of in-game music, see List of Mario Party Superstars in-game music.

Mario • Luigi • Princess Peach • Princess Daisy • Wario • Waluigi • Yoshi • Rosalina • Donkey Kong • Birdo

Super Mario 3d World

Toad • Toadette • Koopa Troopa • Bowser • Bowser Jr. • Junior Clown Car • Kamek • Shy Guy • Fly Guy • Snifit • Hammer Bro • Paratroopa • Goomba • Galoomba • Bob-omb • Piranha Plant • Petey Piranha • Monty Mole • Lakitu • Spiny Egg • Blooper • Chain Chomp • Thwomp • Whomp • Pokey • Bullet Bill • Boo • King Boo • Peepa • Mr. I • Swoop • Cheep Cheep • Cheep Chomp • Urchin • Huckit Crab • Buzzy Beetle • Penguin • Baby Penguin • Ukiki • King Bob-omb • Gold Goomba • Big Piranha Plant • Toads • Woody • Evil Woody • Piranha Pod • Big Piranha Pod • Mecha Fly Guy • Big Cheep Cheep • Spiny • Lava Bubble • Amp • Yoshis

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Boo Bell • Chomp Call • Cursed Dice Block • Custom Dice Block • Double Dice • Double Star Card • Dueling Glove • Golden Pipe • Hidden Block Card • Item Bag • Mushroom • Plunder Chest • Skeleton Key • Triple Dice • Warp Block

Blue Space • Bowser Space • Chance Time Space • Event Space • Item Space • Koopa Bank • Lucky Space • Minigame Space • Red Space • Start Space

Warner Bros. Games

Gallery • In-game music • Media • Minigames • Quotes • Staff • Stickers • Village Square (Data House, Friend House, Mt. Minigames, Option House, Toad's Shop)

Super Mario Bros. (1985, NES) • Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels (1986, FDS) • Super Mario Bros. 2 (1988, NES) • Super Mario Bros. 3 (1988, NES) • Super Mario Land (1989, GB)

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