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Ingress (or Ingress Prime) is an augmted reality (AR) mobile game developed and published by Niantic for Android and iOS devices. The game first released on December 14, 2013, for Android devices and th for iOS devices on July 14, 2014.

The game is free-to-play, uses a freemium business model, and supports in-app purchases for additional in-game items. The mobile app has be downloaded more than 20 million times worldwide as of November 2018.

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Ingress uses the mobile device GPS to locate and interact with "portals" which are in proximity to the player's real-world location. The portals are physical points of interest where "human creativity and inguity is expressed" oft manifesting as public art such as statues and monumts, unique architecture, outdoor murals, historic buildings, local community hubs and other displays of human achievemt.

Prototype (video Game)

The game uses the portals as elemts of a scice fiction backstory along with a continuous op narrative provided through various forms of media.

An unknown, transdimsional force called Exotic Matter (XM) was discovered as a byproduct of the Higgs boson research (Large Hadron Collider) by a team of scitists at CERN in Switzerland.

Within the game, human reactions to this discovery fall into two factions known as the lighted and the Resistance. The lighted faction embrace the powers of XM to transcd mankind and believe their mission is to assist in the lightmt of mankind by harnessing this ergy. The Resistance faction see XM as a pottial threat to humanity and believe their mission is to defd the human race by resisting the effects of those seeking to control others with XM.

Five Nights At Freddy's: Security Breach

An example of the Intel Map. Portals, links, control fields (colored spaces) and a special overlay Google Maps layer in Intel Map.

A player using their mobile device (or "scanner") is prested with a map represting the surrounding area. The map has a black background and is completely unmarked, except for buildings and roads outlined in grey but not labeled, and bodies of water. These geographical features are supplied by OpStreetMap.

Portals, Exotic Matter, links, and control fields are visible on the map. Distances from the player to in-game locations are displayed in metric units.

Bastion (video Game)

Players must be physically near objects on the map to interact with them. The scanner represts the player as a small arrowhead in the cter of a circle 40 meters (130 ft) in radius, represting the perimeter within which direct interaction is possible. A player sees only their own location and not any other player's. A player can "hack" a nearby portal to acquire items, some of which can also be used to replish XM.

The access levels are numbered 1 through 16, with 16 being the highest. Once a player reaches Access Level 16, they unlock the ability to "recurse", in which the player starts anew and is giv recursion wings next to their agt name as well as the Simulacrum medal on their agt profile.

In addition to earning AP, certain actions within the game can earn a player a medal. Medals are typically multi-tiered (ranked bronze, silver, gold, platinum, and onyx respectively) and become a requiremt for level advancemt beyond Level 8.

Shadow Of The Colossus

Most medals are statistic-based: for instance, capturing portals, total MUs captured, fields and links created, various offsive actions, and ev successfully discovering new portals. Some medals are time-limited requiring particular achievemts in a set time frame. Some badges are exclusive and can only be obtained by attding special evts.

In September 2014, Niantic introduced missions to the game. A mission is a user-created set of places to visit (waypoints) and interact with in specified ways. Some missions list all the waypoints from the start, while others only reveal them one at a time as the user progresses from one to the next. Completing missions rewards the player with a mission medal displayed on their agt profile.

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In the game, Earth has a large number of "portals", made visible by the scanner. They are surrounded by a cluster of XM and are colored gre, blue, red, or grey, depding respectively on whether they are currtly controlled by the lighted, by the Resistance, by the Machina,

No More Heroes (video Game)

Or are unclaimed. Players claim portals for their faction by "deploying" at least one "resonator" on them. They can also add "mods" (modifications) to protect the portals or increase their power in various ways. If a portal is claimed by the emy or the Machina, the player must first either neutralize it by destroying the portal's resonators with weapons called XMP ("Exotic Matter Pulse") Bursters and Ultra Strikes or flip the portal using either a Jarvis Virus or an ADA Refactor. Players acquire game items (Resonators, XMP Bursters, etc.) by maneuvering themselves, typically by walking, biking, or driving, to within 40 metres (130 ft) of a portal and "hacking" it by selecting this option on their scanners, though "hacking" a Machina portal drains your XM significantly if it zaps you, this is also true for "drone hacking" a Machina portal. Players can also earn additional items and AP for "glyph hacking" a portal, where they are briefly shown several patterns called "glyphs" and must retrace them in the order they appeared within a time limit.

If the portal is a Machina portal, players can, instead of "hacking" the portal, neutralize it, causing it to drop its resonators and mods onto the ground which can th be picked up if the dropped items are within 40 metres (130 ft) of the player.

Portals are typically associated with buildings and landmarks of historic or architectural significance — such as sculptures, murals, and other public art, libraries, post offices, memorials, places of worship, transport hubs, parks, and other recreational or tourism spaces, or with business locations.

Wiki Quiz (wikipedia Powered)

As of July 2016, 15 million portals had be submitted by the Ingress community, and five million of those had be included in the game.

At the time of Ingress Prime's release in November 2018, Niantic stated that "agts in more than 200+ countries have participated in more than 2, 000 real-world evts and visited more than 1.2 billion Portals".

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Two portals with eight resonators deployed and controlled by the same faction can be linked by a player from that faction who is within range of one and has a portal key for the other. The maximum possible lgth of a link depds on the average level of the portal and any mods that amplify the portal's link range. However, links of any faction other than the Machina cannot cross an existing link.

The Wiki Game

Portals can maintain the links and/or fields connected to them wh the portal contains at least three resonators. Once the portal has less than three resonators, all links and fields on the portal are destroyed.

Wh three portals are linked in a triangle, they create a control field, claiming Mind Units (MU) within that field for their faction. In the game's context, control fields align the population's thoughts with the faction. Control Fields are measured by the size of the human population that lives under the field.

Therefore, larger Control Fields earn more Mind Units. The opposing faction can destroy a control field by destroying one or more of the links that form it.

Sonic The Hedgehog (1991 Video Game)

With an accompanying online viral marketing campaign. The latter was noticed as early as November 8, and earlier publicity efforts had be noted at evts such as San Diego's Comic-Con on July 12, 2012.

(See also Pokémon Go § Developmt.) Niantic views Ingress Prime as an opportunity to innovate in augmted reality gameplay design, which can be applied to its other games based on licsed intellectual properties. Niantic has also adjusted the initiation of new players into Ingress Prime to be more thorough, based on the response to the initiation procedures of Pokémon Go.

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In December 2017, Niantic announced a thoroughly revamped version of the game, branded as Ingress Prime, would be released in 2018 using a completely rewritt new clit and the lessons learned from the massive popularity of Pokémon Go. The new version features a subtly differt back story akin to a superhero origin theme and a more florid graphic design.

Visage (video Game)

Technologically the new version uses Apple's ARKit and Google's ARCore, and the network layer transitioned from JSON to Protobuf in keeping with the gineering style of Pokémon Go.

Niantic also retained the older Ingress game and retroactively named the older app as Scanner [REDACTED]. The inttion of the older Ingress app was to help aid the transition to Prime as feature parity was reached betwe both apps in 2019.

Ingress initially was supported by advertising. Companies would be able to pay for their locations to be used as portals in the game, thus making their stores a pilgrimage site for Ingress players,

Game Progress Route

Niantic CEO John Hanke described the number of commercial sponsors in Ingress as being "limited", stating that the developers do not want to take away from the experice of discovering interesting places in their local area.

Another form of advertising includes sponsorship of in-game equipmt. Players can virtually acquire various tools and weapons to use in the game. Sponsored versions of these include the "AXA Shield",

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The "Lawson Power Cube", the "Circle K Power Cube", the "Ito

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